Half-life of a blogger...It's...


  It’s starting to look like the big whirlwind career as a “monthly blogger” isn’t quiite going in the direction I had originally dreamt.   Nearly a full year’s past, since I sat and typed my ‘chef d’oeuvre’.  Then for some reason, or another, or another, or another.....I jiist aint been  very bloggy...maybe boggy, soggy, and sometimes a lil groggy...but I reckon I just wern’t cut out for the blog life.  I truly apologize... from the bloggom of my heart.

    “Men do change, and change comes like a little wind that ruffles the curtains at dawn, and it comes like the stealthy perfume of wildflowers hidden in the grass.”*

     It’s back to the bog for me.  Where the moss gets lost over fallen logs and gator jaws. Where crickets crick and the creek is mixed. Paddling skiffs through brackish flats in rivers of grass.  Water=Life & it’s fresher in September.  This time of year she’s always higher and riled for wildfire.      
  Back to that sod. Where the grass is green, but not greener than weeds, and not greener than grass that grows down on your street.  Lookin’ lush!  Marshy. Summer in the Glades. The lowland’s under-level.  Black waters mingling into neon forest green flora.  Palms sway.  Coconuts go from green to brown n drop down. In due time, I’m reminded, they’ll  turn again, back to that spirited green hue, to stand up and shoot for the sun!  Bamboos shoot.  Rain falls. Wet gets wetter with even a mention of the hot weather, but the sun still shines and the lion still bellows.    Honestly, I like sunsets.  They’re  honest. They  connect us to the future. They for-tell the oncoming twilight, warning us of labor day soakers and electric light orchestrations in our little back yard.  Gloomy days and lightning always inspire me to “cool out” and spark some creativity.  

   ...Washes the cobwebs off the limbs, the spider survives the storm to weave ‘em agin...Just the whispering of wind, telling stories of where she’s been...

  I hope this ol’ back o’mine stays strong. Made outta mud,muscle & blood, some people say.  I say that “some people” know more than “everybody”, but   everybody knows they’re right.  So you tell me. Tell it like it is. Now really.  I said it. The blogger in me has climbed out the chimney...back to life, back to reality...making music  and trying to fly!

   When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.**

